
Zeitschrift für Infektionstherapie 3.2023



Aktuelle Epidemiologie und Diagnostik in der Mikrobiologie

Das selektive Antibiogramm (Seite 27)


2.    Pakyz AL. The utility of hospital antibiograms as tools for guiding empiric therapy and tracking resistance. Insights from the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists. Pharmacotherapy 2007; 27:1306-1312. PMID: 17723084.

3.    Alós JI, Rodríguez-Baño J. Which antibiotics should we report in an antibiogram, and how? Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin 2010; 28:737-741. PMID: 20579778.

4.    Graham M, Walker DA, Haremza E, Morris AJ. RCPAQAP audit of antimicrobial reporting in Australian and New Zealand laboratories: opportunities for laboratory contribution to antimicrobial stewardship. J Antimicrob Chemother 2019; 74:251-255. PMID: 30295792

5.    Langford BJ, Daneman N, Diong C, Marchand-Austin A, Adomako K, Saedi A, Schwartz KL, Johnstone J, MacFadden DR, Matukas LM, Patel SN, Garber G, Brown KA. Antibiotic susceptibility reporting and association with antibiotic prescribing: a cohort study. Clin Microbiol Infect 2021; 27:568-575. PMID: 33059090.

6.    Pulcini C, Tebano G, Mutters NT, Tacconelli E, Cambau E, Kahlmeter G, Jarlier V, EUCIC-ESGAP-EUCAST Selective Reporting Working Group. Selective reporting of antibiotic susceptibility test results in European countries: an ESCMID cross-sectional survey. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2017; 49:162-166. PMID: 28093208.

7.    James RS, McIntosh KA, Luu SB, Cotta MO, Marshall C, Thursky KA, Buising KL. Antimicrobial stewardship in Victorian hospitals: a statewide survey to identify current gaps. Med J Aust 2013; 199:692-695. PMID: 24237101.

8.    Bourdellon L, Thilly N, Fougnot S, Pulcini C, Henard S. Impact of selective reporting of antibiotic susceptibility test results on the appropriateness of antibiotics chosen by French general practitioners in urinary tract infections: a randomised controlled case-vignette study. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2017; 50:258-262. PMID: 28577933.

9.    Coupat C, Pradier C, Degand N, Hofliger P, Pulcini C. Selective reporting of antibiotic susceptibility data improves the appropriateness of intended antibiotic prescriptions in urinary tract infections: a case-vignette randomised study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2013; 32:627-636. PMID: 23224717.

10.    Langford BJ, Seah J, Chan A, Downing M, Johnstone J, Matukas LM. Antimicrobial stewardship in the microbiology laboratory: impact of selective susceptibility reporting on ciprofloxacin utilization and susceptibility of gram-negative isolates to ciprofloxacin in a hospital setting. J Clin Microbiol 2016; 54:2343-2347. PMID: 27385708. PMCID: PMC5005502.

11.    Lestin-Bernstein F, Harberg R, Schumacher I, Briedigkeit L, Heese O, Biedermann K. Staphylococcus aureus - selective reporting of antibiogram results and its impact on antibiotic use: Interventional study with a reference group on the effect of switching from non-selective to selective antibiotic reporting. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 2021; 10:157. PMID: 34742320. PMCID: PMC8572429.

12.    Liao S, Rhodes J, Jandarov R, DeVore Z, Sopirala MM. Out of sight-out of mind: impact of cascade reporting on antimicrobial usage. Open Forum Infect Dis 2020; 7:ofaa002. PMID: 32055636. PMCID: PMC7008474.

13.    Al-Tawfiq JA, Momattin H, Al-Habboubi F, Dancer SJ. Restrictive reporting of selected antimicrobial susceptibilities influences clinical prescribing. J Infect Public Health 2015; 8:234-241. PMID: 25466592.

14.    Binda F, Fougnot S, De Monchy P, Fagot-Campagna A, Pulcini C, Thilly N; ANTIBIO-CIBLÉ Scientific Committee. Impact of selective reporting of antibiotic susceptibility test results in urinary tract infections in the outpatient setting: a protocol for a pragmatic, prospective quasi-experimental trial. BMJ Open 2019; 8(11):e025810. PMID: 30798294. PMCID: PMC6278878.

15.    Langford BJ, Leung E, Haj R, McIntyre M, Taggart LR, Brown KA, Downing M, Matukas LM. Nudging In MicroBiology Laboratory Evaluation (NIMBLE): a scoping review. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2019; 40:1400-1406. PMID: 31679535.

16.    Tebano G, Mouelhi Y, Zanichelli V, Charmillon A, Fougnot S, Lozniewski A, Thilly N, Pulcini C. Selective reporting of antibiotic susceptibility testing results: a promising antibiotic stewardship tool. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2020; 18:251-262. PMID: 31928257.

17.    Kahlmeter G, Thilly N, Pulcini C. Selective reporting of antibiotic susceptibility testing results: less is more. Clin Microbiol Infect 2021; 27:503-505. PMID: 33253937.

18.    Michelangeli C, Girard-Lamoulere D, Assi A, Della Guardia M, Roger PM. Antibiotic guidelines coupled with selective reporting of antibiograms. Infect Dis Now 2021; 51:61-66. PMID: 32360395.

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